
Mukesh Parikh has been writing poetry for over 40 years, but rarely shares it outside of his family. This poem describes his experience as the father of a pediatric neurology resident at Weill Cornell Medicine during the Covid-19 pandemic. For him, it feels like “when a son or daughter is deployed to the frontline fighting against the enemy for their country; I remain anxious and fearful but at the same time proud.”


In Faith, he expresses his admiration that healthcare workers, like angels, remain largely anonymous in their work. In our correspondence, he wrote: “These angelic qualities perhaps become the source and reason for patients to unexpectedly, and overwhelmingly, have their lost faith restored again.” He also expressed his gratitude to all healthcare providers, “who are the ‘angels without the wings’ who make a difference in this world.”


By Mukesh Parikh

I am numb
With ecstasy
For I have found
My angel
Lurking behind
The scene
Not wanting
To identify herself
She was disguised
As you-
My faith


As Nature Carries On


Love letter in a virus pandemic