As Nature Carries On

Dr. Sonia Ruparell (@soniaruparell), a PGY3 pediatric resident, wrote this poem after a busy shift in the ER.  When she woke up the next day, a cherry tree was moving in the wind and dropping its petals in the street.  She told us, “What is humbling to me, is that nature continues to move on and heal as everyone on the planet has taken shelter.”

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As Nature Carries On

By Dr. Sonia Ruparell

Petals bloom, symmetrical, soft and pink

Branches: some long, supporting each other, leaves and birds

Underneath: gritty soil, dry like a parched crop in a drought

Petals spread across the grass blowing in the wind

A blank canvas of green becoming a speckled piece of art

As if drops of paint fell from the sky

A tornado of pink fills the city

Lined with apartments, empty balconies and parked cars

A city once filled with tornados of people settled now with a thin wind and blooming trees

Birds chirping, sun gazing through each petal of the trees, deflecting to create streams of light

Nature’s power prevails, its life continues as we pause

Petals swirl in a sea of empty parked city bikes with church bells chiming

We are at peace, she whispers

Please don’t forget us when our soil becomes wet and our trees bare

Please don’t forget


When Corona Comes Knocking

