A Harp that Soothes

Kirsten Bredvik playing Air & Rondo, by Nicolas-Charles Bochsa 

Kirsten Bredvik, an MD-PhD student at Weill Cornell Medicine, recorded this Air & Rondo as part of the #DocsWhoRock project, curated by WCM medical students Emily Eruysal, Anu Goel, and Maria Passarelli. Ms. Eruysal told us, “We found safe, socially distanced ways to put these [recordings] together. It was a great outlet during the winter, when there was not much else to do, and I really enjoyed being able to share our music with others!” Ms. Bredvik said, “I enjoyed having the time and opportunity to play more often in the spring of 2020, when students were unable to participate in clinical learning.” We are thankful that her extra time allowed her to record this beautiful piece.


A Bridge Over Troubled Water


Tasteless Defense